Tuesday, April 25, 2017

StepShot - Great Guide-Making App; Document How-To-Do-It

Working with STEP-SHOT

This was generated by the StepShot program. It's a powerful but easy-to-use application. You can take "snapshots" of anything on your desktop (computer screen). Then assemble and edit them. Annotate them, if you wish. Include instructions, if you're making a tutorial. This way you can explain procedures to others, step-by-step, with illustrations.

Above, for example, are two "snapshots" exported as one document. The first snapshot is the program work-area with a quotation from Tim Berners-Lee (who invented the World Wide Web). The 2nd is a shot of the file-manager, i use, xplorer2, with two of my folder windows open. These should give you an idea of the kind of content you can include in a Step-Shot "production".

Take a look at their how-to video on YouTube:


And be sure to let me know, if you try the program, how you like it!! - Jack

Jack Reich, humanist7@yahoo.com

Sunday, December 13, 2009

What's Happened to Us?

Dekalb, IL, July 28, 2009...Democrats have jettisoned their notion of a public or government health care option in the forthcoming medical care reform legislation, according to today's news reports. Apparently they did it to appease Republicans in what is sure to be a fruitless quest for a "bipartisan" bill. Bipartisan. What a laugh.

There will no more be a bipartisan health care bill than there will be a bipartisan quest to bring to justice the traitors who outed Valerie Plame Wilson as a CIA agent, ruining years of work and endangering the lives of dozens of agents and their families. TheWhite House did this as payback for her husband revealing them as liars ... well, it was all that WMD brouhaha. If you've forgotten the details, do a search; you'll get thousands of pages.

Why did they do it? one might wonder. Well, you know the old joke about why do dogs....because they could. They could. They could leak the CIA agent's identity through a friendly reporter, one given to fulminating about the lack of patriotism of his ideological opponents, knowing the dastardly act (can you see W twirling his handlebar mustache?) would never be traced back to them.

The journalist- who broke the law - got a free pass from the prosecutor, who was hunting bigger fish. But with the White House cirling the wagons, he could never get any closer than the Vice President's Chief of Staff, Scooter Libby, who was sentenced - have we forgotten so soon? - to three years in prison and a quarter million dollar fine. This was no slap on the wrist. Then, of course, the President pardoned him, the same President who said no one found to be involved with this crime would serve in HIS administration.

A great wrong was done, right under our noses, by tyrannical rulers who dared us to hold them to account - dared us and won. And now the very same dynamic is at work behind closed doors on Capitol Hill. What dynamic? The "we're-going-to-do-it-because-we-can,-and-you-can't-do-anything-about-it" dynamic. The "we're-more-important-than-the-people-or-their-rights" frame of mind. Our health care is going to get shafted - probably for years - because the spineless Democrats are, once again, going to knuckle under to pressure from the lobbyist-owned Republican party so they don't have to defend against ridiculous charges of "socialism" in next year's mid-term elections - in which history suggests they will lose seats, anyway. They don't have the cajones to say, "NO! The people want a public option; the people will get it."

Instead, they close the doors. They shut the media and the people out. They kowtow to the fearsome Republicans - paragons of wisdom and civic virtue like Mitch McConnell and James Imhofe and Larry Craig, whose commitment to the health of Americans is so great that they threaten to torpedo any chance of passage if the Dimocrats don't give in. "Uncle," "Uncle!" Yet there IS something that WE, THE PEOPLE, can do.

We can refuse to vote for ANY of these scum-sucking bottom-feeders, next year. Instead we can support the dedicated idealists of the Green Party, who stand ready to legislate according to the people's wishes, which, if memory serves, is what the Founders INTENDED the Congress to do. But if we return these lobbyist-licking money mongrels to their seats of power, in the 2010 elections, we will have no one but ourselves to blame, for the consequences. And they will be dire. The consequences will be dire.

And that's the way it is....

Madoff the Piker

He stole just $50 Billion. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld - and the generals, who knew better - took about twenty times that, for their little wars in Asia and the Middle East, and gave us thousands of dead Americans, tens of thousands of dead in other lands, a ruined country, another slipping into chaos, no true lasting reforms, and the decline of America as a moral leader in the world! And while they were at it, they committed treason, deliberately revealing the name of a CIA agent in order to punish her husband for - essentially - proving them liars, and endangering an uncounted number of other U. S. agents of whom she was a known associate. Has it been worth it? Madoff, a man in his seventies, may get 150 years in prison. What have the traitors Bush, Rove, Cheney, Libby, Rumsfeld, et al., received? Pensions.
Every week members of the DeKalb Interfaith Network for Peace and Justice, who have for many years supported a school for impoverished youngsters in war-ravaged Nicaragua, scholarships for students right here in North Central Illinois, and witnessed for many worthy causes, every week they gather, led by the indomitable Cele Meyer and her late husband Al, who died just last week, at the corner of 1st and Lincoln to hold up banners opposing the crazy war in Iraq and asking our government to support "the troops" (i.e., our young sons and daughters, many of them state National Guards, not intentional high-tech warriors) by bringing them home. Stop the killing. Stop the unbelievable spending, the waste of our hard-earned dollars, stop the insanity.
On the opposite corner, there's always a [bunch of yahoos] small group who drape themselves in the flag while their signs call the accomplished and upstanding citizens of the faith-based Network names, such as traitor and terrorist, because we dare to oppose the horrors our rulers commit in our name. Which, by the way, is how we became a country in the first place - by opposing our legitimate rulers. "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time," Thomas Jefferson warned, "with the blood of tyrants...." Note that he didn't say "by determined lobbying" or "by writing letters".
Now don't get me wrong: I'm glad Bernie Madoff will die in prison, a convicted con-man. What of Bush's Treasury Secretary Paulson, former head of the investment bank Goldman Sachs, who gave away the first half of the government's $750 BILLION bank bailout to the banks he liked, with no restrictions whatsoever on how they could use the money. And as we have seen, they used it to pad executive bonuses, buy up smaller banks like your dotty aunt at a flea market, take costly vacations at top-drawer resorts, and hoard the cash against future losses, rather than lending it out again - WHICH WAS CONGRESS'S INTENT, on our behalf. He squandered some 7 times the amount Madoff did - but not illegally, so he's off the hook. He merely conned THE ENTIRE COUNTRY.
When i was a Boy Scout, eons ago, I joined fellow scouts for a trip to the Jamboree in Colorado Springs. Our leaders chartered a train and we rode west together. The good churchwomen near Mt. Rushmore, South Dakota, made us lunch on the day we stopped to look at the Presidents's heads. Just a young teen, I was nevertheless as impressed by their generosity, their warmth and friendliness, as I was by the monumental sculptures. My leader said something I've never forgotten. "You can tell a lot about people," he remarked, "not by what they SAY they believe, but by what they DO. These women care, don't they? They live their generosity."
And what of us? We SAY we believe in justice. And we - through our judicial system - are about to mete it out to the despicable fraudster, Mr. Madoff, and probably a number of his close associates. But what ARE we if we punish a lying stockbroker yet forgive murderous traitors who took uncounted lives and sent our nation, indeed, the world - into near-bankruptcy? While enriching themselves and their friends, by the way. Are they to be held accountable, too? Or let off, scot-free! Famed prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi has made a compelling case for their guilt in the murder of Americans who died in an illegal, trumped-up war. Has justice simply vanished, like the magician's rabbit? What do we care about? What values do we live? "You can tell about a people, not by what they SAY they believe....but by what they DO."
To paraphrase Gerald Ford, if Thomas Jefferson were alive today, he'd be turning over in his grave!

We haven't finished with Bush! ..... Jack Reich on Friday, March 6, 2009

All right, we didn't get W. to impeachment. Clinton, yes, for fooling around, and then came this gang of thugs and thieves and traitors. And they got off scot free after 8 years of raping and pillaging our traditions, our economy, our freedoms, our American good sense. But why have they not been held to account? Kinda boggles the mind, doesn't it?

Now here's former Los Angeles prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi, who has sent his book on trying George W. for first-dgree murder to every county D.A. and state's attorney in the country. All we need is ONE with the courage to indict. They ran an illegal war. They lied to the people in order to wage it. They cost thousands of Americans their lives, and tens or perhaps hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, bankrupted this country and devastated that one. Seeking justice for such crimes is NOT 'looking backwards'! It is the BEGINNING of repair, the commencing of healing.

Visit the site <>. Do your own investigation. Research it. Due diligence. Then add your voice. Together, we will be an unquenchable chorus calling for justice! The time has come. <> Do it!

I'd love to hear from you on this. Or anything else. Look me up on Twitter: http://bit.ly/twh7 - and go to YouTube and see the rest of 'the Bugliosi tapes': http://bit.ly/vbug .